800x600 Satellite Images (Global/CONUS/East US/Carib/Atlantic)
Radar (US) Loop     Radar (US) Still
Severe Storm - Tornado - Other Hazards - Warnings *
Severe Weather - Tornado - Convection Forecasts
Lightning     GEOS Soundings (US)     Upper Air
Storm - Precipitation - Flood - Surface Analyses & Forecast Maps
Rainfall - Floods     Accumulated Precip. & Verification
Temperature - Dew Point - Humidity     Heat     Fog - Visibility
Winter Storms      Precip.-Type - Snow - Ice     Chill     Wind
Degree Days     Sky Cover     Pressure - Fronts      Travel Brief
Storm News - Storm Reports - Record Events
Marine Weather     Offshore Weather Data     Rivers - Lakes - Water
Tides - Coastal Waters - Port Data     Wave Heights & Period
Ocean Data - Sea Surface Temperatures     Polar Ice
Aviation Weather (US)     Space Weather     UV      Near-Earth Objects 
Nuclear Radiation
Fire - Drought (US)      Air Quality     Ozone     Natural Hazard Pub.
Earthquakes - Tsunami - Volcanoes     Global Climate Change, etc.
NOAA Products - Weather Research     Satellite Status     Radar Status
Hurricane Names & active Storms - Monthly Summaries & archives - Top page
Tropical Prediction Center - National Hurricane Center * - Product Descriptions
Tropical Weather Outlook issued four times a day from June 1 to Nov. 30
or issued as required
Tropical Cyclone Public Advisory * issued during active cyclones
Tropical Cyclone Discussion issued during active cyclones
Tropical Cyclone Forecast Advisory issued during active cyclones
Tropical Cyclone Probabilistic Wind Speed issued during active cyclones
Tropical Cyclone Position Estimate issued when cyclones are on US radar
Tropical Cyclone Update issued as required     http://www.nhc.noaa.gov/
Tropical Cyclone/ Hurricane Local Statements * issued as required
Inland Tropical Cyclone Storm Summaries issued as required
NHC Tropical Cyclone Forecast Graphics     Satellite Surveillance
Tropical Cyclone Forecast Graphics      Hurricane Surface Wind Graphics
Objective Guidance Text     Track Model Text     Track Model Graphics     
* is for critical information to check when under a hurricane warning
Links in this cell good from April to January;
the other cells are good all year long.
Satellite Images (East US/SE US/FL/Gulf of Mexico)
Visible     Infrared     Water Vapor     Fog / Fire     Non-Geo
Radar (FL/SE US) - Jacksonville Valdosta Tampa Melbourne
Warnings (FL) *    Florida County Zones     Current Conditions (FL)
Surface Plots (FL/SE US)     METARs (FL)     Aviation Forecast (SE US)
Text Forecasts (FL/US)     Meteogram Forecasts (FL/US)
Tabular Forecasts (FL)     Forecast Discussion (FL) *
Graphic Forecasts (FL/US)     Fire Forecast - Drought (FL)
Rainfall - Flood (SE US)     Accumulated Precip. (FL/SE US)
GOES Soundings (SE US)     RAOB Soundings (US/SE US)
Kennedy Space Center weather      Test of local text products
My A:\ drive use only     EMWIN     JAX MLB TBW text products *     
Hurricane & Tropical Satellite Images     Coastal Radars *    Flood - Rainfall
Tropical Synoptic Forecast Aids      Weather Models - Regional Weather Models
Tropical Analyses & Seas Forecast Graphics     US Analyses Graphics
Tropical Weather Discussion     Caribbean Narrative     Aviation Tropics
Marine Discussion Forecasts     High Seas     Offshore     Coastal      Marine
Hurricane Hunter Aircraft RECCO *    Buoy & Ship Data     Fax Charts
Nations in the West Atlantic region     Long Range Hurricane Predictions
Coastal US NWS Offices     Post Storm Hurricane Reports     Hurricane History
Tropical Cyclone Warning Centers - Worldwide
International Weather      NWS Organization
NWS Glossary     Meteorological Time     http://www.weather.gov/
News - Disasters     Read NOTES      My Site Index     http://www.noaa.gov/

Primary Site - Secondary Site

This page was revised on April 20, 2011
These webpages began back in 1998 with radio, weather information, and later expanding into politics.

Your browser settings are wrong if you can read this sentence. This page has a blue background with some white text. It is best viewed with default font-colors, default font-types, and default font-sizes.


Google's search engine is becoming more and more irrelevant as they grow too big and greedy. Now the search links are paid to be listed first, thus you will not likely found the link to this website using Google weather or hurricane as search words. Even worse, they allow government to censor government webpages from Google's search database. It is time to try other but relevant search engines!

I use my webpages on the hard drive because it is very fast when navigating links, however I am sharing it on the Internet as a free public service from me to you.

Note for those using Opera browsers. Edit opera6.ini and add under [User Prefs] EnableLastActiveChildOnDocWindowChange=1 and under [Cache] Check Expiry History=2. This will greatly speedup the loading of long pages using the same tab when going back.

Use patience while waiting for these webpages to first load! If your browser has space set for disk cache then the webpages will quickly reload after they have first loaded in your disk cache. It is recommended you download all of my weather pages so you can use it from your hard drive because a major weather or news event can make Internet connections to this link and to other links totally unusable. However, be sure to update your download with the latest date stamp shown on my webpage because I frequently update them. But if you download from geocities.com note that they insert javascript code in the header and footer of my uploads.

I made these webpages because some Internet links can become temporarily unusable but I can still get the information with the alternate links from my webpages.

The most important thing to note as to why I have so many links is because it allows you to get the data under heavy Internet traffic by bypassing the common links that will get overloaded. Also, for latest updates because some servers temporarily fail to update the data.

Also, many cellphones cannot animate a gif or images. You have go foward and back to manually animate so you need a directory type listing that is usually hidden. The many links are here to do that.

Another important reason for so many links is that information can be hidden by mistake of the webmaster. If you notice, my webpages will have some links not found anywhere on the Earth but here. Even using the best Internet search engine such as Google or Yahoo will not find them.

Java, JavaScript, IE Script, ActiveX, Shockwave, Flash, and certain plug-ins greatly increase your computer security risk but disabling them and using these webpages to circumvent helps eliminate your security risk. That is just another reason why I have so many links. Go to my computer security page
compsec.htm for more details!

Click on a blank underscore _ on the left-side of my weather pages and it will bring you back to the Quick-Link table above or use the browser's Back button.

It is recommended to right-click on the links then open in new windows and switch to them using the taskbar. But if you are using Mozilla or Firefox it is better to open new Tab when clicking on a link.

First Priority! View Radar and Satellite Loop Images for quick self-analysis!

Safe tricks to animate weather images. Use a simple and safe javascript program on your computer, not from the websites, and open it in your browser enabling javascript only when you use it then disabling javascript when done. But it has to slightly be re-edited for images from different links. Here is a sample javascript program to download and edit source. Also, an easy and safe way to animate images is with image viewers (such as IrfanView) that have slideshow features by viewing images in the browser then doing a slideshow from the browser's cache file directory. The simplest way to self animate images is to have them open in seperate browser windows or tabs and manually toggle back and forth between them, which is why my webpages have so many links to help in doing all this.

Try the old Vmeg (last version 1.7) to animate .mpg satellite loops instead of using insecure MS Media Player. But Vmeg is so old its folder uses short file names converting long file names.

Warning! Always check the date and time stamp in any weather product (text, images, maps, etc.) and compare products from multiple sources! Some text products indicate the product expiration date and time (in UTC time) often on the third line from top after the string of county zone numbers. Click here for the current Universal time!

Where you see links in bold font means they usually update faster than links in regular font.

If a webpage is written to automatic-refresh it will automatically update. Check the webpages source to calculate how often it refreshes. The code is something like this <META http-equiv="Refresh" content="300"> meaning it automatically refreshes every 300 seconds or 5 minutes. If a webpage has no refresh it can be made to automatic-refresh by creating timed macro programs. Another trick is to reedit the webpage in your disk cache and opening it back up in your browser or easily refresh by using Opera browsers.

You may have to manually do a Shift Reload (Alt v then Shift r) to refresh new graphics for old Netscape browsers. You only have to do this once when on their automatic-refresh page in order to see their updates in a Netscape browser. Also, (not that important to change) in Netscape click on Edit, Preferences, +Advanced, Cache and select Every time or Internet Explorer Properties the General tab then click on Settings and select Every visit to the page.

Stop a bill introduced (April 14, 2005) by Senator Rick Santorum (Republican-Pennsylvania) that would prohibit government services from competing services also offered by commercial and private companies such as AccuWeather and The Weather Channel, which offer their own products through pay services.

Note that Pennsylvania is where AccuWeather is based!

The National Weather Services Duties Act of 2005 to clarify the duties and responsibilities of the National Weather Service (NWS) within the National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration (NOAA).

Senator Santorum believes that companies like AccuWeather would make more money if they didn't have to compete with "free." That's right - he believes you should pay twice for your weather information in order to line the pockets of the private weather industry, which *already* benefits from repackaging the data that tax-funded agencies like NWS give away. That's not only unfair, it's a bad precedent for our national information resources. Help stop S.786 by sending a letter to your Senators today!

Who Owns the Weather?
by Ari Schwartz
July 28, 2004


Commercial and private weather services commonly use free government data for their own profit without giving credit to the National Weather Service and government employees.

Of course commercial weather has its place with value-added products but to transmit government weather products through nothing but commercial media would be a terrible idea. That is because commercial radio and TV media usually delays the breaking news to stay on their script of scheduled commercials. The only exceptions is when they go live with breaking news or if events occur during their live news broadcast do they begin to excel. Anyway, it is best to use other information sources because the news media sometimes gives out old information as the latest. Even worse, the news media gives out incomplete information.

My weblinks to weather products proved that a taxpayer-based government weather service with free products available to all of the public can be better than commercial and private weather products provided by private business for their profit or "per cost to only those who can afford it" weather products. Also, the free weather products at .edu sites are better. However, only a few benefit when government or the military restrict weather products, not the rest of society. But you still pay for it!

My tornado story is part of the proof!

The bottom line is the government has the best weather tools and my comparisons for the past three decades between commercial and government sources proved to me that overall the government gave me quicker data with more detail.

Government information from government sources is better than government information relayed from the commercial sources. The same thing goes for public-safety news. That is why I make a big deal about real-time public-safety data at stepsto.htm.

The bill mentioned above did not pass and Santorum was voted out of office.


External links are provided for research and information only. The external links on this website does not constitute endorsement or approval by me. I am not responsible for the contents on any external link referenced from this website.